Pokemon Location Guide based on the number of badges required (2024)

So I am creating this guide in order to show all the available pokemonin Pokemon Reborn and at which badge you can get them. This is an additional guide to Lostelle's and I would definitely recommend it here:

In this guide I will first mention the first location possible of the pokemon and after that I will complete the guide with other locations.

So the first leader is Julia (Electric):


Froakie -> Frogadier -> Greninja -> Ash-Greninja == Starter

(Water, Dark, [Protean Ability : Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Grass, Psychic, Ice])

Mudkip -> Marshtomp -> Swampert -> Mega Swampert == Starter

(Water, Ground)

Charmander -> Charmeleon -> Charizard -> Mega Charizard X == Starter

(Fire, Flying, [Mega : Dragon])

Charmander -> Charmeleon -> Charizard -> Mega Charizard Y == Starter

(Fire, Flying)

Squirtle -> Wartortle -> Blastoise -> Mega Blastoise == Starter


Treecko -> Grovyle -> Sceptile -> Mega Sceptile == Starter

(Grass, [Mega: Dragon])

Torchic -> Combusken -> Blaziken -> Mega Blaziken == Starter

(Fire, Fighting)

Bulbasaur -> Ivysaur -> Venusaur -> Mega Venusaur == Starter

(Grass, Poison)

Pidgey -> Pidgeotto -> Pidgeot -> Mega Pidgeot == Opal: Grass Morning, Grass Day

(Normal, Flying)

Noibat -> Noivern ==Underground Railnet: Cave

(Flying, Dragon)

Cyndaquil -> Quilava -> Typhlosion == Starter


Chimchar -> Monferno -> Infernape == Starter

(Fire, Fighting)

Fennekin -> Braixen ->Delphox == Starter

(Fire, Psychic)

Totodile -> Croconaw -> Feraligatr == Starter


Piplup -> Prinplup -> Empoleon == Starter

(Water, Steel)

Chespin -> Quilladin -> Chesnaught == Starter

(Grass, Fighting)

Snivy -> Servine -> Serperior == Starter


Tepig -> Pignite -> Emboar == Starter

(Fire, Fighting)

Oshawott -> Dewott -> Samurott == Starter


Chikorita -> Bayleef -> Meganium == Starter


Turtwig -> Grotle -> Torterra == Starter

(Grass, Ground)

Budew -> Roselia -> Roserade ==Peridot: Event (Have Rose Incense in Inventory)

(Grass, Poison)

Tynamo -> Eelektrik -> Eelektross ==South Peridot Alley: Event (Thunderstorm)


Grimer -> Muk ==Peridot: Old Rod, Good Rod


Teddiursa -> Ursaring ==Opal || Peridot: Event chain


Pansear -> Simisear ==Opal: Event


Panpour -> Simipour ==Peridot: Event pokesnax (Random 1/2 pokemon: Wingull)


Blitzle -> Zebstrika ==Lower Peridot: Event (Thunderstorm)


Whismur -> Loudred -> Exploud ==Lower Peridot: Event Pokesnax


Munna -> Musharna ==Peridot: Trade Bibarel


Stunky -> Skuntank ==Underground Railnet: Cave

(Poison, Dark)

Combee -> Vespiqueen ==Opal: Headbutt

(Bug, Flying)

Trubbish -> Garbodor ==South Peridot Alley: Cave


Gulpin -> Swalot ==Lower Peridot: Event


Espurr -> Meowstic ==Lower Peridot: Event (1500 pokedollars)


Pineco -> Foretress ==Opal: Headbutt

(Bug, Steel)

Finneon -> Lumineon ==Lower Peridot Pool: Old Rod, Good Rod


Surskit -> Masquerain ==Peridot: Event (Rain)

(Bug, Water, Flying)

Hoothoot -> Noctowl ==Opal: Grass Night

(Normal, Flying)

Goldeen -> Seaking ==Lower Peridot Pool: Old Rod, Good Rod


Cherubi -> Cherrim ==Lower Peridot: Grass Morning, Grass Day, Grass Night


Ekans -> Arbok ==Opal: Grass Morning, Grass Day, Grass Night


Purrloin -> Liepard ==North Peridot Alley: Cave


Spearow -> Fearow ==Opal: Headbutt

(Normal, Flying)

Meowth -> Persian ==Opal: Grass Morning, Grass Day, Grass Night


Wingull -> Pelipper ==Peridot: Event pokesnax (Random 1/2 pokemon: Panpour)

(Water, Flying)

Igglybuff -> Jigglypuff -> Wigglytuff ==Peridot: Event

(Normal, Fairy)

Woobat -> Swoobat ==Underground Railnet: Cave Event

(Psychic, Flying)

Burmy -> Wormadam (Plant Cloak) ==Peridot Garden: Headbutt

(Bug, Grass)

Burmy -> Wormadam (Sandy Cloak) ==Peridot Garden: Headbutt

(Bug, Ground)

Burmy -> Wormadam (TrashCloak) ==Peridot Garden: Headbutt

(Bug, Steel)

Burmy -> Mothim ==Peridot Garden: Headbutt

(Bug, Flying)

Poochyena -> Mightyena ==South Peridot Alley: Cave


Zigzagoon -> Linoone ==Opal: Event (Random 1/2 pokemon: Pachirisu)


Patrat -> Watchog ==Opal: Grass Morning, Grass Day


Rattata -> Raticate ==Opal: Grass Morning, Grass Day, Grass Night


Bidoof -> Bibarel ==Opal: Grass Morning, Grass Day

(Normal, Water)

Pachirisu ==Opal: Event (Random 1/2 pokemon: Zigzagoon)


Spinarak -> Ariados ==Opal: Grass Night

(Bug, Poison)

Caterpie -> Metapod -> Butterfree ==Peridot Garden: Grass Morning, Grass Day, Grass Night

(Bug, Flying)

Wurmple -> Silcoon -> Beautifly ==Peridot Garden: Grass Morning, Grass Day

(Bug, Flying)

Ledyba -> Ledian ==Peridot Garden: Grass Morning

(Bug, Flying)

Wurmple -> Cascoon -> Dustox ==Peridot Garden: Grass Morning, Grass Day

(Bug, Poison)

Kricketot -> Kricketune ==Lower Peridot: Event


The second leader is Florinia (Grass):


Slakoth -> Vigoroth -> Slaking ==Obsidia: Grass Morning, Grass Day


Onix -> Steelix -> Mega Steelix ==Peridot: Event

(Rock, Ground, Steel)

Buneary -> Lopunny -> Mega Lopunny ==Obsidia: Grass Morning

(Normal, [Mega: Fighting])

Electrike -> Manectric -> Mega Manectric ==Obsidia Alleyway: Event


Numel -> Camerupt -> Mega Camerupt ==Lower Peridot: Event (Rain)

(Fire, Ground)

Happiny -> Chansey -> Blissey ==Coral: Event


Vanillite -> Vanillish -> Vanilluxe ==Sweet Kiss Candy Shop: Buy (Ice Cream Machine)


Shinx -> Luxio -> Luxray ==Onyx Arcade: Buy


Klink -> Klang -> Klinklang ==Underground Railway: Cave


Litleo -> Pyroar ==South Obsidia Alleyway: Event

(Normal, Fire)

Nidoran female -> Nidorina -> Nidoqueen == Breed Nidoran male / Nidorino

(Poison, Ground)

Nidoran male -> Nidorino -> Nidoking ==Onyx Arcade: Buy

(Poison, Ground)

Lillipup -> Herdier -> Stoutland ==Opal ||Peridot || Coral: Event


Pancham -> Pangoro ==Obsidia Slums: Cave

(Dark, Fighting)

Oddish -> Gloom -> Vileplume ==Obsidia: Grass Morning, Grass Day, Grass Night

(Grass, Poison)

Oddish -> Gloom -> Bellossom==Obsidia: Grass Morning, Grass Day, Grass Night

(Grass, Poison)

Bellsprout -> Weepinbell -> Victreebel ==Obsidia: Grass Morning, Grass Day, Grass Night

(Grass, Poison)

Koffing -> Weezing ==Obsidia Alleyway: Cave


Pidove -> Tranquill -> Unfezant ==Obsidia Slums: Cave

(Normal, Flying)

Pichu -> Pikachu -> Raichu ==Onyx Garden: Event


Drowzee -> Hypno ==Obsidia Slums: Event Egg


Lotad -> Lombre -> Ludicolo ==Coral: Event pokesnax

(Water, Grass)

Petilil -> Liligant ==Obsidia: Event pokesnax (Morning)


Swirlix -> Slurpuff ==Sweet Kiss Candy Shop: Buy


Seel -> Dewgong ==Onyx: Event Egg

(Water, Ice)

Cacnea -> Cacturne ==Onyx: Event Egg

(Grass, Dark)

Makuhita -> Hariyama ==Obsidia Slums: Cave


Ducklett -> Swanna ==Obsidia Slums: Event Egg

(Water, Flying)

Spoink -> Grumpig ==Obsidia || Coral: Event Chain


Hoppip -> Skiploom -> Jumpluff ==South Obsidia: Event

(Grass, Flying)

Mankey -> Primeape ==Obsidia Slums: Cave


Glameow -> Purugly ==Glamazonia Salon: Event


Venonat -> Venomoth ==Obsidia: Grass Day, Grass Night

(Bug, Poison)

Slugma -> Magcargo ==Onyx Arcade: Buy

(Fire, Rock)

Sunkern -> Sunflora ==Obsidia: Grass Morning


Castform ==Obsidia: Trade Furret

(Normal, [Forecast: Fire, Water, Ice])

Sentret -> Furret ==Obsidia: Grass Morning, Grass Day


Bonsly -> Sudowoodo ==Obsidia: Grass Day, Grass Night


Plusle ==Obsidia Alleyway: Event pokesnax (Random 1/2 pokemon: Minun, repeatable under the same conditions for the other pokemon)


Minun == Obsidia Alleyway: Event pokesnax (Random 1/2 pokemon: Plusle, repeatable under the same conditions for the other pokemon)


Skitty -> Delcatty ==Coral: Event


The third leader is Corey (Poison), however the next badge is actually given by the next leader Shelly (Bug):


Mareep -> Flaafy -> Ampharos -> Mega Ampharos ==Jasper: Event pokesnax

(Electric, [Mega: Dragon])

Growlithe -> Arcanine ==Police Station: Event


Shuppet -> Banette -> Mega Banette ==Beryl Cemetery: Event


Larvesta -> Volcarona ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Bug, Fire)

Togepi -> Togetic -> Togekiss ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Fairy, Flying)

Elekid -> Electabuzz -> Electivire ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)


Axew -> Fraxure -> Haxorus ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)


Rhyhorn -> Rhydon -> Rhyperior ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Ground, Rock)

Tangela -> Tangrowth ==Rhodochrine Jungle: Grass Day, Grass Night


Staryu -> Starmie ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Water, Psychic)

Tentacool -> Tentacruel ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Water, Poison)

Sneasel -> Weavile ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Dark, Ice)

Vullaby -> Mandibuzz ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Dark, Flying)

Drilbur -> Excadrill ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Ground, Steel)

Vulpix -> Ninetales ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)


Murkrow -> Honchkrow ==Lapis Alleyway: Event (If you choose Aqua Gang storyline)

(Dark, Flying)

Ponyta -> Rapidash ==Lapis: Event (If you choose Aqua Gang storyline)


Phanpy -> Donphan ==Beryl: Grass Morning, Grass Day


Sewaddle -> Swadloon -> Leavanny ==Jasper: Cave

(Bug, Grass)

Drifloon -> Drifblim ==Abandoned Power Plant: Event

(Ghost, Flying)

Pansage -> Simisage ==Jasper: Grass Morning, Grass Day, Grass Night


Weedle -> Kakuna -> Beedrill -> Mega Beedrill ==Jasper: Cave

(Bug, Poison)

Geodude -> Graveler -> Golem ==Grand Stairway B1F: Cave

(Rock, Ground)

Buizel -> Floatzel == Lapis: Event (If you choose Magma Gang storyline)


Gothita -> Gothorita -> Gothitelle ==Beryl Library: Event (after Corey)


Pawniard -> Bisharp ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Dark, Steel)

Scraggy -> Scrafty ==Slums Playground: Event

(Dark, Fighting)

Starly -> Staravia -> Staraptor ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Normal, Flying)

Aipom -> Ambipom ==Beryl: Headbutt


Helioptile -> Heliolisk ==Beryl: Event (Sunny)

(Electric, Normal)

Cottonee -> Whimsicott ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Grass, Fairy)

Frillish -> Jellicent ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Water, Ghost)

Phantump -> Trevenant ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Ghost, Grass)

Doduo -> Dodrio ==Beryl: Grass Morning, Grass Day

(Normal, Flying)

Spritzee -> Aromatisse ==Lapis Scent Flower Shop: Buy


Shroomish -> Breloom ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Grass, Fighting)

Lunatone ==Grand Stairway B2F: Event (Random 1/2 pokemon: Solrock)

(Rock, Psychic)

Solrock ==Grand Stairway B2F: Event (Random 1/2 pokemon: Lunatone)

(Rock, Psychic)

Chingling -> Chimecho ==Grand Stairway B1F: Cave


Carnivine ==Jasper: Cave


Sandshrew -> Sandslash ==Grand Stairway B1F: Cave


Snubbull -> Granbull ==Peridot: Event


Emolga ==Jasper: Event

(Electric, Flying)

Diglett -> Dugtrio ==Grand Stairway B1F: Cave


Bunnelby -> Diggersby ==Beryl: Grass Morning, Grass Day

(Normal, Ground)

Azurill -> Marill -> Azumarill ==Police Station: Trade Growlithe (Random 1/18 pokemon)

(Normal, Fairy, Water)

Dunsparce ==Grand Stairway B2F: Cave


Scatterbug -> Spewpa -> Vivillon ==Jasper: Cave

(Bug, Flying)

Paras -> Parasect ==Jasper: Grass Night

(Bug, Grass)

Unown ==Grand Stairway B2F: Cave


The fourth badge is given by Shade (Ghost):


Houndour -> Houndoom -> Mega Houndoom ==North Obsidia Alleyway: Event (If you choose the Magma Gang storyline)

(Dark, Fire)

Carvanha -> Sharpedo -> Mega Sharpedo ==Lapis Alleyway: Event (If you chose the Magma Gang storyline)

(Dark, Water)

Magnemite -> Magneton -> Magnezone ==Yureyu Power Plant: Cave

(Electric, Steel)

Porygon -> Porygon2 -> Porygon-Z ==Onyx School: Event


Swinub -> Piloswine -> Mamoswine ==Citrine Mountain 2F: Cave

(Ice, Ground)

Duskull -> Dusclops -> Dusknoir ==Yureyu Power Plant: Cave


Zorua -> Zoroark ==Alleyways: Event


Cubchoo -> Beartic ==Citrine Mountain 2F: Cave


Baltoy -> Claydol ==Rhodochrine Jungle: Event

(Ground, Psychic)

Voltorb -> Electrode ==Yureyu Power Plant: Cave


Croagunk -> Toxicroak ==Citrine Mountain 2F: Event

(Poison, Fighting)

Elgyem -> Beheeyem ==Rhodochrine Jungle: Event


Yamask -> Cofa*grigus ==Yureyu Power Plant: Cave


Golett -> Golurk ==Rhodochrine Jungle: Event

(Ground, Ghost)

Seedot -> Nuzleaf -> Shiftry ==Rhodochrine Jungle: Event

(Grass, Dark)

Natu -> Xatu ==Rhodochrine Jungle: Event

(Psychic, Flying)

Barboach -> Whiscash ==Lapis Alleyway: Old Rod (if you join Magma Gang)

(Water, Ground)

Mime Jr. -> Mr. Mime ==North Obsidia: Trade Sunkern for Mime Jr.

(Psychic, Fairy)

Tropius ==Rhodochrine Jungle: Event pokesnax (Sunny)

(Grass, Flying)

Zangoose ==Lapis Alleyway || North Obsidia Alleyway: Event Chain


Smoochum -> Jynx ==Citrine Mountain 2F: Event

(Ice, Psychic)

The sixth leader is Kiki (Fighting), however the fifth badge is given by Aya (Poison):


Exeggcute -> Exeggutor ==Azurine Island: Land day

(Grass, Psychic)

Nosepass -> Probopass ==Apophyll Cave: Rock Smash

(Rock, Steel)

Yanma -> Yanmega ==Azurine Island: Land day

(Bug, Flying)

Meditite -> Medicham -> Mega Medicham ==Apophyll Beach: Event

(Fighting, Psychic)

Tympole -> Palpitoad -> Seismitoad ==Azurine Island: Land day

(Water, Ground)

Shuckle ==Apophyll Beach: Rock Smash

(Bug, Rock)

Skorupi -> Drapion ==Byxbysion Wasteland: Land morning, Land Night

(Poison, Bug, Dark)

Binacle -> Barbaracle ==Apophyll Beach: Rock Smash

(Rock, Water)

Shelmet -> Accelgor ==Azurine Island: Land day


Spiritomb ==Byxbysion Wasteland: Event

(Ghost, Dark)

Venipede -> Whirlipede -> Scolipede ==Byxbysion Wasteland: Event

(Bug, Poison)

Heatmor ==Pyrous Mountain B2F: Event


Inkay -> Malamar ==Byxbysion Wasteland: Headbutt

(Dark, Psychic)

Mawile -> Mega Mawile ==Byxbysion Tunnels: Cave

(Steel, Fairy)

Krabby -> Kingler ==Apophyll Beach: Rock Smash


Shellos -> Gastrodon ==Azurine Island: Land day

(Water, Ground)

Stunfisk ==Apophyll Cave: Cave

(Ground, Electric)

Corphish -> Crawdaunt ==Apophyll Beach: Rock Smash

(Water, Dark)

Throh ==Pyrous Mountain 1F: Cave


Sawk ==Pyrous Mountain 1F: Cave


Foongus -> Amoonguss ==Azurine Island: Event

(Grass, Poison)

Nincada -> Ninjask ==Byxbysion Wasteland: Rock Smash

(Bug, Flying)

Wooper -> Quagsire ==Azurine Island: Land day

(Water, Ground)

Cubone -> Marowak ==Byxbysion Wasteland: Land night


Corsola ==Apophyll Beach: Event

(Water, Rock)

Ditto ==Blackstream Factory B1F: Event


Nincada -> Shedinja ==Evolve Nincada

(Bug, Ghost)

The sixth badge is given by Serra (Ice):


Aron -> Lairon -> Aggron -> Mega Aggron ==Underground Railnet: Headbutt

(Steel, Rock)

Ralts -> Kirilia -> Gardevoir -> Mega Gardevoir ==Underground Railnet: Event

(Psychic, Fairy)

Ralts -> Kirilia -> Gallade -> Mega Gallade == Underground Railnet: Event

(Psychic, Fairy, Fighting)

Audino -> Mega Audino ==Tanzan Cove: Land morning, Land day, Land night

(Normal, [Mega: Fairy])

Darumaka -> Darmanitan ==Apophyll Beach: Trade Luvdisc

(Fire, [Zen Mode: Fire/Psychic])

Zubat -> Golbat -> Crobat ==Byxbysion Tunnels: Cave

(Poison, Flying)

Trapinch -> Vibrava -> Flygon ==Chrysolia Forest: Trade for Mothim

(Ground, Dragon)

Sandile -> Krokorok -> Krookodile ==Tanzan Mountain: Cave

(Ground, Dark)

Roggenrola -> Boldore -> Gigalith ==Tanzan Mountain: Cave


Poliwag -> Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath ==Tanzan Cove: Land morning

(Water, Fighting)

Poliwag -> Poliwhirl -> Politoed ==Tanzan Cove: Land morning


Omanyte -> Omastar ==Spinel Town: Trade Helix Fossil for Omanyte

(Rock, Water)

Kabuto -> Kabutops ==Spinel Town: Trade Dome Fossil for Kabuto

(Rock, Water)

Misdreavus -> Mismagius ==Wasteland Wall: Event


Lileep -> Cradily ==Spinel Town: Trade Root Fossil for Lileep

(Rock, Grass)

Anorith ->Armaldo ==Spinel Town: Trade Claw Fossil for Anorith

(Rock, Bug)

Cranidos -> Rampardos ==Spinel Town: Trade Skull Fossil for Cranidos


Shieldon -> Bastiodon ==Spinel Town: Trade Shield Fossil for Shieldon

(Rock, Steel)

Karrablast -> Escavalier ==Spinel Town: Trade Shelmet for Accelgor

(Bug, Steel)

Skrelp -> Dragalge ==Apophyll Beach: Good Rod

(Poison, Water, Dragon)

Mantyke -> Mantine ==Tanzan Cove: Good Rod

(Water, Flying)

Remoraid -> Octillery ==Chrysolia Forest: Event


Deerling -> Sawsbuck ==Chrysolia Forest: Land morning, Land day, Land night

(Normal, Grass)

Furfrou ==Chrysolia Forest: Land morning, Land day


Minccino -> Cinccino ==Chrysolia Forest: Land morning, Land day


Basculin ==Tanzan Cove: Good Rod


Taillow -> Swellow ==Chrysolia Forest: Headbutt

(Normal, Flying)

Kecleon ==Tanzan Mountain: Cave

(Normal, [Protean, Color Change: Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark, Fairy])

Dedenne ==Tanzan Cove: Land day, Land night

(Electric, Fairy)

Volbeat ==Chrysolia Forest: Land night


Illumise ==Chrysolia Forest: Land night


Chatot ==Chrysolia Forest: Headbutt

(Normal, Flying)

Farfetch'd ==Chrysolia Forest: Land morning, Land day

(Normal, Flying)

Spinda ==Tanzan Cove: Land day, Land night


Luvdisc ==Tanzan Cove: Good Rod


The seventh badge is given by Noel (Normal):


Archen -> Archeops ==Spinel Town: Trade Plume Fossil for Archen

(Rock, Flying)

Eevee -> Vaporeon ==Mysidia Railcave: Event egg

(Normal, Water)

Eevee -> Jolteon ==Mysidia Railcave: Event egg

(Normal, Electric)

Eevee -> Flareon ==Mysidia Railcave: Event egg

(Normal, Fire)

Eevee -> Espeon ==Mysidia Railcave: Event egg

(Normal, Psychic)

Eevee -> Umbreon ==Mysidia Railcave: Event egg

(Normal, Dark)

Eevee -> Leafeon ==Mysidia Railcave: Event egg

(Normal, Grass)

Eevee -> Glaceon ==Mysidia Railcave: Event egg

(Normal, Ice)

Eevee -> Sylveon ==Mysidia Railcave: Event egg

(Normal, Fairy)

Hippopotas -> Hippowdon ==Tanzan Depths: Cave


Clauncher -> Clawitzer ==Chrysolia Spring 1F: Good Rod


Tirtouga -> Carracosta ==Spinel Town: Trade Cover Fossil for Tirtouga

(Rock, Water)

Durant ==Tanzan Depths: Cave

(Bug, Steel)

Torkoal ==Chrysolia Spring B1F: Cave


Maractus ==Chrysolia Forest Train: Egg


Seviper ==Tanzan Depths: Event


Smeargle ==Mysidia Railcave: Cave


The eight badge is given by Radomus (Psychic):


Pinsir -> Mega Pinsir ==South Aventurine Woods: Event

(Bug, Flying)

Heracross -> Mega Heracross == South Aventurine Woods: Event

(Bug, Fighting)

Swablu -> Altaria -> Mega Altaria ==North Aventurine Woods: Headbutt

(Normal, Flying, Dragon, Fairy)

Flabebe -> Floette -> Florges ==North Aventurine Woods: Event


Skiddo -> Gogoat ==Route 1: Land morning, Land day, Land night


Tauros ==Route 1: Land morning, Land day, Land night


Miltank ==Route 1: Land morning, Land day, Land night


Sigilyph ==Citae Astrae: Cave

(Psychic, Flying)

Bouffalant ==Route 1: Land morning, Land day, Land night


Joltik -> Galvantula ==North Aventurine Woods: Event

(Bug, Electric)

Stantler ==Route 1: Land morning, Land day, Land night


Tyrogue -> Hitmonlee ==Route 1: Trade Dunsparce for Tyrogue


Tyrogue -> Hitmonchan ==Route 1: Trade Dunsparce for Tyrogue


Tyrogue -> Hitmontop ==Route 1: Trade Dunsparce for Tyrogue


Girafarig ==Vanhanen Labyrinth: Land morning, Land day, Land night

(Normal, Psychic)

The ninth badge is given by Luna (Dark):


Abra -> Kadabra -> Alakazam -> Mega Alakazam ==7th Street: Buy


Tyrunt -> Tyrantrum ==Spinel Town: Trade Jaw Fossil for Tyrunt

(Rock, Dragon)

Amoura -> Aurorus ==Spinel Town: Trade Sail Fossil for Amoura

(Rock, Ice)

Litwick -> Lampent -> Chandelure ==Subseven Sanctum: Event (Soul Candle)

(Ghost, Fire)

Lickitung -> Lickilicky ==7th Street: Buy


Bronzor -> Bronzong ==Iolia Valley: Cave

(Steel, Psychic)

Carbink ==Iolia Valley: Cave

(Rock, Fairy)

Pumpkaboo -> Gourgeist ==Beryl Cemetery: Event

(Ghost, Grass)

Solosis -> Duosion -> Reuniclus ==Wasteland Wall: Event


Sableye -> Mega Sableye ==Iolia Valley: Cave (after field change)

(Ghost, Dark)

Alomomola ==Iolia Valley: Good Rod


Wynaut -> Wobbuffet ==Iolia Valley: Land morning, Land day, Land night


The tenth badge is given by Samson (Fighting):


Beldum -> Metang -> Metagross -> Mega Metagross ==Byxbysion Tunnels: Event (before Samson)

(Psychic, Steel)

Snorunt -> Glalie -> Mega Glalie ==Ametrine Mountain 2F: Cave


Horsea -> Seadra -> Kingdra ==Ametrine Mountain 2F: Good Rod

(Water, Dragon)

Spheal -> Sealeo -> Walrein ==Ametrine Mountain 2F: Cave

(Ice, Water)

Cryogonal ==Ametrine Mountain 2F: Cave


Bergmite -> Avalugg ==Ametrine Mountain 2F: Cave


Mienfoo -> Mienshao ==Route 2: Land day, Land night


Rufflet -> Braviary ==Route 2: Land morning, Land day

(Normal, Flying)

Machop -> Machoke -> Machamp ==Route 2: Land morning, Land day, Land night


Timburr -> Gurdurr -> Conkeldurr ==Agate City: Event


Hawlucha ==Route 2: Land morning, Land day

(Fighting, Flying)

Dwebble -> Crustle ==Route 2: Event

(Bug, Rock)

Cleffa -> Clefairy -> Clefable ==Agate Circus: Event


Snorunt -> Froslass ==Ametrine Mountain 2F: Cave

(Ice, Ghost)

Qwilfish ==Ametrine Mountain 2F: Good Rod

(Water, Poison)

Delibird ==Ametrine Mountain 2F: Cave

(Ice, Flying)

The eleventh badge is given by Charlotte (Fire):


Kangashkan -> Mega Kangashkan ==Ruby Cave: Cave


Absol -> Mega Absol ==Route 4: Event


Munchlax -> Snorlax ==Calcenon Pokemon Center: Trade Qwilfish for Munchlax


Gligar -> Gliscor ==Route 3: Land morning, Land day, Land night

(Ground, Flying)

Wailmer -> Wailord ==Ametrine Mountain 2F: Water


Druddigon ==Ruby Cave: Cave


The twelfth badge is given by Terra (Ground):


Riolu -> Lucario -> Mega Lucario ==Ametrine City: Event

(Fighting, Steel)

Snover -> Abomasnow -> Mega Abomasnow ==Ametrine City: Land morning, Land day, Land night

(Grass, Ice)

Magby -> Magmar -> Magmortar ==Calcenon City: Trade Magmarizer for Magby


Psyduck -> Golduck ==Celestinine Mountain 1F: Water


Clamperl -> Huntail ==Ametrine Mountain 1F: Land


Clamperl -> Gorebyss ==Ametrine Mountain 1F: Land


Relicanth ==Ametrine Mountain 1F: Land

(Rock, Water)

Chinchou -> Lanturn ==Ametrine Mountain 1F: Land

(Water, Electric)

The thirteenth badge is given by Ciel (Flying):


Feebas -> Milotic ==Ametrine Mountain B4F: Good Rod


Lapras ==Ametrine Mountain B2F: Event

(Water, Ice)

The fourteenth badge is given by Adrienn (Fairy):


Aerodactyl -> Mega Aerodactyl ==Spinel Town: Trade Amber for Aerodactyl

(Rock, Flying)

Slowpoke -> Slowbro -> Mega Slowbro ==Route 4: Super Rod

(Water, Psychic)

Rotom <-> Rotom Heat <-> Rotom Wash <-> Rotom Frost <-> Rotom Fan <-> Rotom Mow ==Yureyu: Event

(Ghost, Electric, Fire, Water, Ice, Flying, Grass)

Slowpoke -> Slowking ==Route 4: Super Rod

(Water, Psychic)

Klefki ==Blackstream Shelter B1F: Event

(Steel, Fairy)

The fifteenth badge will be given by Titania (Steel):


Goomy -> Sliggoo -> Goodra ==GUM Room: Event (Choose to renovate the Slums)


Here is a list of confirmed pokemon you can't get legally:


Deino -> Zweilous -> Hydreigon ==Trade 3 Dark Matter and a Soul Candle for Deino (Subseven Sanctum Altar) [Can't get 3 Dark Matters yet]

(Dark, Dragon)

Here I will list all the event pokemon which are available later on (this will include starters):


Bulbasaur == Azurine Island (grass) (Choose to renovate the island) [after Badge 14]

Charmander ==given by yourgang leader (if Aqua you can get it before Adrienn, if Magma only after Adrienn, not sure if bug) [Aqua: after Badge 13, Magma: after Badge 14]

Squirtle == Byxbysion Wasteland[after Badge 5]

Pichu, Pikachu == Onyx Garden (Wild) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Nidoran male, Nidoran female, Nidorino, Nidorina == Byxbysion Tunnels [after Badge 4]

Clefairy == Mt Moon (inside Terra's computer) [after Badge 11]

Growlithe == Jasper Ward(grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Tentacool, Tentacruel == Water Treatment Center [after Badge 12]

Ponyta, Rapidash == Route 1 (grass) [after Badge 7]

Seel, Dewgong == Iolia Valley (grass) [after Badge 8]

Onix == Byxbysion Tunnels [after Badge 4]

Drowzee, Hypno == Byxbysion Wasteland (grass) [after Badge 4]

Rhyhorn, Rhydon == Route 2 (grass) [after Badge 9]

Staryu == Opal Ward (Super Rod) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Mime Jr., Mr. Mime = Coral Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Pinsir == Azurine Island (grass) (Choose to renovate the island) [after Badge 14]

Ditto ==7th Street: Buy [after Badge 8]

Porygon == Citae Astrae (inside Terra's computer) [after Badge 11]

Chikorita == Observation Center on Azurine Island (bring Chimecho) [after Badge 7] || Azurine Island after City Restore (Choose to renovate the island) [after Badge 14]

Cyndaquil ==7th Street: Buy [after Badge 8]

Totodile == Ametrine Mountain B2F (event) [after Badge 12]

Togepi == Shantyport Station (trade Probopass for Togepi Egg) (Choose to renovate the Railnet)[after Badge 14]

Natu, Xatu == Citae Astrae (cave) [after Badge 7]

Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos == Jasper Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Hoppip, Skiploom == Iolia Valley (grass) [after Badge 8]

Murkrow == Lapis Ward (Aqua Gang Hideout, if you join Magma Gang) [after Badge 3], Lapis, Onyx Wards (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Heracross == Azurine Island (grass) (Choose to renovate the island) [after Badge 14]

Teddiursa, Ursaring == Beryl Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Slugma, Magcargo == Pyrous Mountain (cave) [after Badge 4]

Remoraid == Celestinine Cascade (Good Rod) [after Badge 9]

Houndour, Houndoom == Lapis Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Treecko == Rhodochrine Jungle (Event) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Mudkip == Sunken City Event [after Badge 13]

Zigzagoon, Linoone == Opal Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Lotad, Lombre == Coral Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Nuzleaf, Shiftry == Rhodochrine Jungle (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Wingull, Pelipper == Apophyll Beach (cave) [after Badge 4]

Ralts == get Corrupted Pokeball from Underground Railnet after City Restore (Choose to renovate the railnet) [after Badge 14]

Surskit, Masquerain == Coral Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Meditite == Route 2 (grass) [after Badge 9]

Electrike, Manectric == Peridot Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Budew, Roselia == North Obsidia Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Gulpin, Swalot == Water Treatment Center (cave) [after Badge 12]

Numel == Pyrous Mountain (cave) [after Badge 4]

Spoink, Grumpig == Coral Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Lunatone, Solrock == Tanzan Mountain (Event) (whichever you didn't choose) [after Badge 5]

Barboach == Chrysolia Spring (Good Rod) (if you join Aqua Gang) [after Badge 6]

Baltoy, Claydol == Citae Astrae (cave) [after Badge 7]

Shuppet, Bannette == Beryl Cemetary (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Turtwig == Agate Circus (Event) [after Badge 9]

Chimchar == trade Delibird for Chimchar egg in Azurine Island(Choose to renovate the island) [after Badge 14]

Piplup == trade "Rare Candy" for Piplup in 7th Street [after Badge 8]

Starly, Staravia, Staraptor == Route 3 (grass) [after Badge 10]

Kricketune == South Aventurine Woods (grass) [after Badge 7]

Pachirisu ==South Aventurine Woods (grass) [after Badge 7]

Buizel, Floatzel == Celestinine Mountain (cave) [after Badge 10]

Drifloon, Drifblim == Beryl Ward (grass) after City Restore [after Badge 13]

Tepig == Pyrous Mountain (event) (requires Strength) [after Badge 5]

Oshawott == Coral Lighthouse (event) [after Badge 13]

Pansear, Simisear == Chrysolia Spring (cave) [after Badge 6]

Panpour, Simipour ==Chrysolia Spring (cave) [after Badge 6]

Munna == Byxbysion Wasteland (grass) [after Badge 4]

Blitzle, Zebstrika == Route 4 (grass) [after Badge 10]

Cottonee == Route 4 (grass) [after Badge 10]

Petilil == Iolia Valley (grass) [after Badge 8]

Darumaka == Chrysolia Spring (cave) [after Badge 6]

Ducklett, Swanna == Tanzan Cove (grass) [after Badge 5]

Vanillish == Ametrine City (grass) [after Badge 11]

Frillish, Jellicent == Azurine Lake (water) [after Badge 13]

Eelektrik ==Azurine Lake (water) [after Badge 13]

Elgyem == Citae Astrae (cave) [after Badge 7]

Golett, Golurk == Route 3 (grass) [after Badge 10]

Pawniard == Route 4 (grass) [after Badge 10]

Chespin == trade Oddishweed for Chespin egg in 7th Street [after Badge 8]

Fennekin == Water Treatment City (Event) [after Badge 12]

Litleo == Obsidia Alleyway (cave) after City Restore[after Badge 13]

Espurr == North Obsidia Alleyway (cave) [after Badge 2]

Phantump == Route 4 (grass) [after Badge 10]

Edited by Ross_Andrews
Modified Murkrow, Barboach, Buizel and Ponyta Events and added later locations for some of them

Pokemon Location Guide based on the number of badges required (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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